Data & AI

The Data & AI Studio harnesses the power of big data and artificial intelligence to create new and better experiences and services, going above and beyond extracting value out of data and automation. Our aim is to empower clients with a competitive advantage by unlocking the true value of data and AI to create meaningful, actionable, and timely business decisions.

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For years, we have heard about quantum computing, these supercomputers that promise to solve critical challenges in various planet fields and industries....

October 19, 2023

Quantum computing, often hailed as the future of computation, represents a paradigm shift in our understanding of how information can be processed....

October 10, 2023

For the past year, many conversations have focused on what AI can do to improve people’s lives. But what can people do...

October 5, 2023

For decades, organizations, including financial services providers, retailers, telcos, and utilities, have operated under the assumption that delinquency rates rise during economic...

October 3, 2023

Technology in sports has been an enormous topic of conversation for technologists and innovators over the last three years. Globally, only a...

September 14, 2023

Buzzwords like “transformational change,” “artificial intelligence,” and “machine learning” are thrown around often. However, there’s a foundational element without which these advanced...

September 12, 2023
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