The pandemic accelerated the digital transformation process in almost every aspect of our daily lives. Digitalization, automation, and virtual connection generate vast amounts of data, and there are already tools that allow us to analyze and create data ecosystems and products. Technology offers us the fantastic opportunity of using that data to reinvent the world of work.
In this context, we face the challenge of creating a new working model, and it’s worth analyzing whether data will be the ally that organizations need to adapt to this “new normal.” Around 52% of people believe that flexibility is the most critical aspect of their return to the office. According to a survey, 79% of companies plan to implement a hybrid work model, which combines remote and in‑person work. Can we leverage data to transition towards a hybrid model in a way that fosters employees’ wellbeing and productivity?
Using data to build a data-driven digital culture
It is clear that the possibility of making decisions based on data increases productivity and strengthens the organizational culture. Although this is becoming a must for companies, not all of them are ready to leap into the digital world.
What are the first steps towards building a data-driven culture? How do we incorporate it into all levels of the company?
Organizations cannot address this challenge solely from a technological point of view. Instead, they need to consider many adaptive and cultural aspects to support people and teams throughout their lifelong learning path.
Download the full white paper to find how!