Breaking Boundaries: How Life Sciences Companies are Riding the AI Wave with Omnichannel Communication Strategies

Pharma companies play a vital role in the healthcare industry, providing critical treatments and solutions to the population while fostering continuous medical education. To increase customer engagement, life science companies must implement an effective omnichannel communication strategy, focusing on digital communication leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Major market players are already moving in this direction. During 2021, the top 40 life sciences companies generated nearly 2,000 digital & analytics patents, the same as Alphabet, Amazon, and Apple combined. In this article, Globant’s Business Hacking Studio experts will elaborate on how pharma and life science companies can improve customer engagement through AI-powered omnichannel communication strategies.

D2B Communication Strategy

  • Healthcare Professionals (HCP)

The first step in improving customer engagement is to enhance B2B communication with Healthcare Professionals (HCPs). A more strategic role for Face to Face (F2F) interactions is required. This is where pharma companies can use AI-powered communication solutions to provide personalized messages and real-time data insights and improve traceability, touchpoints, and data collection. This would allow healthcare professionals to track patient information, monitor treatment progress, and identify areas where patients may need extra care. Interactive chatbots can also offer instant support to HCPs, answering queries, providing scientific information, and managing adverse events, enhancing the overall learning experience for the HCPs. It is crucial to ensure that the content is specifically customized to meet the needs of HCPs and delivered to them when needed, therefore addressing their specific requirements and preferences. There should be a balance when using digital and face-to-face (F2F) channels. Consider taking into account their advantages and shortcomings.

  • Pharmacies

In the case of B2B communication with pharmacies, life science companies can leverage AI to improve the distant relationship between themselves and pharmacies. By providing tailored product and service offerings, such as vaccine centers, labs can create a more personalized experience for pharmacies. This would lead to better customer engagement, building stronger relationships between labs and pharmacies. AI can also assist with inventory management and distribution, optimizing stock levels, and preventing stock-outs, reducing the risk of missed sales.

D2C Communication Strategy

It is worth mentioning that there are excellent communication opportunities for users and patients. Regarding users, evolving customer engagement in new, more effective & appealing ways is essential. For example, unbranded campaigns promote health information without directly advertising a specific brand or product. These campaigns raise awareness of pathologies and foster early diagnosis & proper medical consultations. 

As for patients, it is meaningful to mention that life science organizations must address certain specifics. One of the aspects is related to the adherence issue. It is estimated that around 50% of patients with chronic illness miss doses, clearly a key blocker for effective treatment and quality of life. As a solution, patient support programs present tremendous value in increasing adherence to the appropriate treatment through accompaniment, education, and guidance. Also, there is room for companies to leverage AI. Capturing the right signals is crucial in finding and reaching patients, even before HCPs. Life science players can play a decisive role in fostering early diagnosis, enhancing health outcomes & propelling proper disease management, and evolving the approach from a patient journey to a life journey. Finally, another great example is loyalty programs, which offer valuable data insights for improvements and new market developments when adequately deployed.

By implementing enhanced AI-powered omnichannel strategy, life science companies can increase customer engagement, build trust, and create better service deployment. Pharma companies must partner with leading world-class digital native companies to leverage the expertise and knowledge needed to develop these solutions; the right partner can make all the difference” – Belen Estevez, Manager at Globant’s Business Hacking Studio.

Last, life science companies must ensure that their omnichannel communication strategy complies with all relevant regulations. AI-powered solutions serve here strategically. They can assist in managing regulatory compliance by providing real-time updates and alerts, ensuring that all communication adheres to the necessary regulations.

The way forward

An AI-powered omnichannel communication strategy can significantly improve customer engagement. By focusing on improving B2B communication with healthcare professionals, pharmacies, and drugstores, life science companies can enhance the overall customer experience. For D2C communication, leveraging digital channels creates unique journeys based on “signals.” Through omnichannel journeys,  create contextualized experiences and address key barriers. Personalized loyalty programs and regulatory compliance appropriately unlock value.

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The Business Hacking Studio aims to drive business growth and innovation to make transformation real and measurable, making the change sustainable through new ways of optimizing culture and business impact. Digitalization and high consumer expectations are radically changing the way we interact with each other, and organizations that know how to manage it will be successful.