Agile methods

Learn how agile methods drive corporate processes, build innovative technology & transform businesses.

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Have you ever found yourself talking about someone in your team and realized that, outside of work, you knew nothing about them?...

May 11, 2021

I want to tell my story of discovering agility, from earlier experiments with eXtreme Programming, to learning about Scrum and Kanban, through...

April 19, 2021

We talked with Pablo to understand the key challenges around digital sales transformation and how Globant is helping its clients through data...

April 12, 2021

Project managers can help their companies attract and retain talented people. We explore some of the best practices that have worked for...

February 16, 2021

Read the second part of the series of articles on testing Agile at scale where we discuss testing within agile PODs, testing...

January 6, 2021

Many organizations today are managing testing and quality in large projects when scaling Agile. We explore how quality can be embedded at...

January 5, 2021
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