“And Globant Emerald Team, the new Argentina League of Legends champion, secures the promotion to LLA after defeating Cruzados Esports 3-1 for the regionals” *Freeze Frame* Yep, that’s our team and you’re probably wondering, how did we get here? Well, let me tell you a little bit about ourselves and our esports team, the Globant Emerald Team.
Globant Emerald Team a.k.a GET, is a brand new esports team created in December 2020 with a mission, to be the best possible esport team and to bring our values to this electronic world. What are those values you are probably asking? Well, they are hard work, sportsmanship, passion, diversity, learning, expansion and professionalism.
So far so good but, what is the meaning of all this? We got into the game for three reasons:
- To Change The Game: We want to change the game our way. With the dedication, hard work and professionalism that it deserves. For us, it’s not a “child’s game”, it’s a reality. It’s the present and the future. Also, we want to change the game through diversity. We are proud to say that we were the first roster with female players in it and this is only the beginning.
- To Win The Game: We know that we are entering a competitive environment and all that it implies. We want to win the game, for sure, but with our standards always at the forefront.
- To Enjoy The Game: Last but not least, we want to have fun. We are here to enjoy the process, to meet new people, to make new friends, to appreciate this journey full of unforgettable moments.

That’s our team. That’s GET. The new Argentinian champions of League of Legends. The team that will never stop fighting and loves challenges. The team that will secure the promotion into LLA (Latin America League) and be in the World Championship will never stop grinding. The team that will always have their values in its sights.
We hope you liked the history of our team but this is only the beginning, the best is still to come. We invite you to follow us on our social media so you don’t miss anything in our path to glory.
For further details on our work in gaming, visit our web.