Cover Story: Diversity Month

November 6, 2020

We are wrapping up Diversity Month! What a wild ride it has been. However, this is just the beginning of many discussions, ideas, talks, and action plans about this issue. We strongly believe that there is not just one way of being diverse. In order to be able to make relevant decisions in this matter, we need to know what Globers are thinking about.

Once more, let us introduce you to some of our amazing Globers who are certainly going to inspire us all.

Paulette Bailey – Office Manager | UK

I’m a daughter, mother, and grandmother. I was born in the UK to Jamaican parents and raised in a multicultural Britain, that my parents help to make great. And, neither last or least, I’ve been a Glober for almost three years.

Before George Floyd’s death this summer and the subsequent protests all over the world, I was afraid to participate in conversations about racial inequality and injustice. I never felt I knew enough and didn’t realize that my existence and experiences as a black woman were sufficient reasons for me to speak up. All my life I had downplayed racist comments I had experienced directly or indirectly, because I didn’t want to draw more attention to myself.

I joined Globant’s Diversity Pod this summer and immediately felt that I belonged. I know talking about race or any kind of otherness can be uncomfortable – I avoided those conversations all my life – but things are changing and it’s about time too! We are in a different era now and people want to see change.

Allyship is not just about sexism and racism, it’s multidimensional and complex. In the workplace allies are speaking up for LGBTQ rights, they are fighting to normalize mental illness, and promote accessibility for people with disabilities, now more than ever. 

The Diversity Pod is working hard – with the backing of our sponsors – to build a culture within Globant where everyone feels included and celebrated. It’s exciting, challenging, and sometimes it’s messy, but we’re here to shape the change. And, I’m here for all of it!”


Adriana Fernanda Moya Forero – Cloud Engineer | Colombia

Diversity is a term that has been discussed a lot in the past few years. We know that there are different factors that make each of us unique, such as our origin and the country where we were born. At the same time, we’ve been unknowingly educated with cultural prejudices towards people who have different nationalities, religion, language, etc. This has created discord between people, because of the lack of understanding that everyone deserves the same opportunities and respect. 

From my perspective, diversity is being able to reflect on the importance of treating others like human beings, and not to see them through a specific condition or characteristic they have, such as race, gender, beliefs, etc. Diversity is the capacity to accept and respect the different traits that are unique in each person. That is what makes us evolve as human beings.

Unfortunately, there are many different discrimination gaps that exist in the professional field. When I started my professional career, I was the only woman on the devs team. That’s when I realized that women were a minority in the tech industry. Although I was never discriminated against or felt to be, I certainly started feeling insecure about my capacity and even thought at one point that technology was “a man’s thing”. As time went by, I had the privilege of discovering tech communities and different groups where women could gather, learn, share technical information, life experiences, and get inspired. This really helped me in many aspects of my life and opened my mind to new things. At that time, I remember that I didn’t feel like I had much to offer to these communities, but two Globers had the initiative to create a community called “Women Techmakers Bogotá”, and contacted me. We started this community hoping to empower and inspire women, share knowledge, and to create a place to find support.

As of today, we have organized more than 20 events through Women Techmakers and more than 1000 people have joined this community. Moreover, not only people from Bogota are taking part, but also many people from different countries in Latin America. Together with two powerful women we are leading this incredible community that has evolved from just talking about tech to topics like inclusion, diversity, soft skills, mentorships, etc. 

Personally, this community has impacted me in a very positive way. It has helped me to grow professionally and to meet people from different cultures, beliefs, and races. These kinds of communities stand against stereotypes and prejudices and that is very valuable. 

Thanks to this community, I was able to be part of Google Developers Experts, making me the first Latin American woman to enter the Google Cloud category. This enabled me to share my knowledge and inspire people from more than eight countries. 

Anamika Thokal – Digital Market Specialist | India

Diversity means respect and acceptance. It is acknowledging every individual and recognizing differences while understanding their uniqueness. For me, these include race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, political beliefs, gender, socio-economic status, physical abilities, age, and other ideologies. 

Since childhood, my parents were conscious enough to expose my brother and I to multicultural events, helping us understand the uniqueness of our culture. They raised me to be more aware, open-minded, and sensitive when reflecting on the beauty of these differences, to develop curiosity, and to learn and engage more. Personally, I have participated and engaged in various cultural events, and professionally I am a part of the D&I Fundamentals POD at Globant in India. For those who are still confused, I suggest you start with healthy conversations about diversity to become more aware of unconscious bias, and move towards raising your awareness by asking questions, and through training.


Donna Peffley – Talent & Culture BP Lead | US 

Growing up, my parents always encouraged me to be kind, and I have found that being kind is more rewarding than winning. It was my passion for service and kindness that inspired me to join Rotary International, an international service organization whose purpose is to provide humanitarian service and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. I have always enjoyed interacting with people from different backgrounds and experiencing cultural diversity when travelling to different countries. Though, it was on a Rotary trip to Pakistan where I had an “aha” moment – the impact kindness has even in a place where I was noticeably the one who was different, but where we all had a common purpose  –  to give polio vaccines to little children, so that they wouldn’t get the horrible crippling disease.

When it came time for me to look for my next career opportunity, I saw Globant’s “Be Kind” way of life on the website, and I knew that Globant was the place where I wanted to be . . .where everybody is encouraged “to be kind to their peers, to the planet, and to humanity as a whole.” I was intrigued by the cover stories with pictures of globers who were obviously from different backgrounds. Globant appeared to be an open and welcoming place where people could be themselves. I was inspired by Globant’s Talent Manifesto – and was especially captivated by the Inclusive competency: “. . . understands and values the uniqueness in diversity of each and every person. Celebrates plurality and takes the opportunity to learn, grow, and co-create to achieve innovative and enriching ideas.”

Since joining Globant, my expectations have been exceeded. Every day I have the opportunity to see the fruits of diversity, inclusion, and kindness. Globant is striving to be a safer, more inclusive, and equitable workplace . . . It takes time and effort and depends on every glober. I look for opportunities to expand my awareness and grow. Sometimes it’s through casual conversations with my peers, attending Diversity Month sessions on the various dimensions of diversity, and even having uncomfortable conversations regarding racism. Globant has provided me with a safe space to learn, grow, and understand the different dimensions of diversity. For that I am most grateful. I am excited to be a focal point on the Diversity Pod, and a Talent and Culture Business Partner, where I am inspired and hopefully inspire others to embrace diversity and inclusion through kindness.

Pablo Ezequiel Cordoba – Security Officer | Argentina

To me, diversity is the way in which someone describes himself to others. It is the group of characteristics that makes a person unique and different from others in society. In this way, others can know, to a certain extent, the reality of that person.

In my case, diversity means respecting and understanding my own reality too, (which is being a man, cisgender, Argentinian, and an atheist); so that I can respect and understand other people’s realities. And that the variation of any of those characteristics makes other people different from me. That is why their way of thinking and acting will not necessarily be the same as mine. It is also understanding that our privileges may be different in today’s society. We need to understand these things, so we can treat each other respectfully.

It’s because of all these things that I am part of activities like “Club de Chicas Programadoras”, an organization that teaches young girls how to code, trying to make the same privileges available to women and men. 


It’s time to walk the talk. It’s time to keep on learning about these issues, talking about diversity, and getting together to make a real impact! Want to join us? Write to us at

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