Transforming Lives through Tech: How Globant Supports Refugees

June 19, 2024

World Refugee Day, observed annually on June 20th, is a poignant reminder of the ongoing global refugee crisis. Established by the United Nations in 2001, this day is dedicated to honoring the strength, courage, and resilience of millions of refugees forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, and natural disasters. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), at the end of 2023, an estimated 117.3 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations and events seriously disturbing the public order, reflecting a significant increase from previous years. This staggering number underscores the severity and urgency of the refugee situation, which continues to present complex humanitarian, social, and political challenges.

In recent years, the world has witnessed a surge in refugee movements due to escalating conflicts in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The ongoing war in Ukraine alone has displaced millions, adding to the already overwhelming numbers of people seeking safety and stability across international borders. Furthermore, climate change has emerged as a critical factor, displacing populations through extreme weather events and environmental degradation.

The primary challenges faced by refugees include inadequate access to basic necessities such as food, water, shelter, and healthcare. Many refugees endure protracted stays in overcrowded camps with limited opportunities for education and employment. 

As we reflect on the current state of the refugee crisis, it is imperative to recognize the collective responsibility to protect and empower those who have been forcibly displaced, ensuring they have the opportunity to rebuild their lives with dignity and hope.

Empowering migrants and refugees with inclusive opportunities 

At Globant, we use the power of technology to impact the lives of millions and meaningfully address worldwide challenges. We aim to foster innovation and provide inclusive opportunities to historically marginalized communities through strategic partnerships, scholarships, mentorships, and comprehensive professional development opportunities. 

In particular, our “Code Your Future – Moving Together” program offers a wide range of training and opportunities for people from groups that traditionally faced significant barriers to integration into the local workforce. In addition to migrants, the program assists refugees in Europe and victims of armed conflict in Colombia, among other groups. 

In our quest to provide migrants and refugees with accurate and inclusive opportunities, in 2022, Globant joined the Tent Partnership for Refugees (Tent), a global business network of over 300 major companies committed to supporting refugees’ economic integration. Specifically in Europe, we are part of the Sunflower Project, a pan-European initiative launched by Tent to accelerate the economic inclusion of tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugee women through improved access to employment. 

“This partnership allows us to strengthen our support programs for refugees and migrants globally. As a member of the partnership, we will be offering specialized support to adequately reach refugee communities and design programs based on their specific needs to help them enter the workforce,” said Francisco Michref, Government Affairs & Sustainability Director at Globant.

Mentoring Refugee Women 

All refugees encounter employment barriers, but refugee women face an even greater employment gap due to numerous obstacles, including structural gender inequality. 

Recognizing the global imbalance in access to technology, Globant partnered with Tent to support and provide professional guidance to women refugees in Europe and the US.  

Globant can make a significant impact by mobilizing its employees, known as Globers, to provide professional mentorship to refugee women. This mentorship covers resume writing, job interview best practices, and insights into the local job market. When refugee women find meaningful work, they achieve financial independence, develop a sense of belonging, and contribute positively to the economy.

Almost 100 refugee women have been or are currently being mentored by Globers across the UK, Spain, Denmark, Germany, Italy, and the US. 

Read on and be inspired by real testimonials from mentors and mentees of the program. These voices showcase the positive outcomes and personal growth that result from this alliance.

“Thank you […] for creating such a supportive program for those facing challenging situations without friends or family nearby. Your help has made a significant difference in my journey.” Anna, Ukrainian refugee living in the US.

“(My Mentor) was an absolute pleasure to work with; her extensive experience with an American company was incredibly helpful. She shared her knowledge and experience with me and arranged an online meeting with other developers who provided additional insights and support. Her support was invaluable to me during my move to a new country and my transition into the IT field.”, said Anna, a Ukrainian refugee living in the US.

“She had a background in psychology, a degree, and a very extensive education from her home country, and she wanted to be able to use more of her intellectual side. […] Throughout different sessions, we discovered the various activities she enjoyed while revalidating her degree, another track we were addressing in parallel. She could secure a new job by preparing her resume more tailored for job searches in the United States and focusing her searches on different sources”, Sabina, Argentinian Glober, living in the US. 

Globant’s commitment to transforming the lives of refugees through tech education has had a significant impact. By partnering with Tent and implementing programs like “Code Your Future – Moving Together,” Globant provides inclusive opportunities and support to historically marginalized communities, including migrants and refugees. 

GlobersNem’s Mentoring Refugee Women program helps refugees navigate the job market and achieve financial independence. As we continue to support and uplift refugees, stay tuned for an upcoming video testimonial highlighting the inspiring stories of those involved in the program.

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