April 4, 2023

Enable insight-driven care with Globant’s Patient Journey Accelerator and Tableau

Patient Support Programs (PSPs) – a term used to describe any initiative led by pharmaceutical organizations to improve the patient journey, access, adherence, or outcomes related to a given treatment – have come to play an essential role in enhancing patient care. 

But, until now, data from PSPs have remained with the manufacturer, which means that other stakeholders within the patient journey, such as insurers, health care practitioners, and even patients, have not been able to access the program data that can help them better use data-driven insights to understand and assess the effectiveness of a given treatment or how a PSP influences outcomes. 

As the healthcare industry faces mounting pressure to find new ways to improve care for patients and drive positive outcomes, PSPs can be one way to enhance coordination and collaboration between different stakeholder groups to enhance the patient experience and increase results.

A closer look at the value – and challenges – of PSP data

PSPs collect a wealth of patient-level data, such as personal characteristics, drug utilization, and key clinical outcomes. This information could be of great use to other stakeholders in the patient lifecycle. 

However, providing clear and compelling insights to various stakeholders requires additional capabilities for the PSP, including complex analysis of data at different moments of the patient’s journey, a safe and secure data model that enables sharing in a way that maintains patient privacy and adheres to regulations, and the ability to continuously gather, update and disseminate data.

Further, drawing accurate insights from PSP data requires a deep and comprehensive understanding of the specific data fields captured, the purpose of data collection, and any existing gaps. Without this context, there is a risk that the data can be misinterpreted, leading to false conclusions that decrease the scientific validity of the results.

Unlocking the power of PSP data with Globant

To help pharmaceutical organizations safely and securely share insights from PSPs with other stakeholder groups, Globant recently launched the Patient Journey Accelerator in the Tableau Exchange.

The Accelerator enables the PSP organizer and other stakeholders to analyze patients’ progress throughout the program’s different stages and track key indicators, such as the conversion of referred patients, time to treatment, and concentration of patients in hospitals, clinics, and geographical points.

For providers, the Accelerator produces data-driven insights into patients’ journeys in their system across different specialties, geographies, and diagnoses. In addition, care program managers can use this Accelerator to analyze referrals and better align the necessary resources to effectively treat patients.


Patient Journey Executive Summary Patient Journey Active Patients Console Patient Journey Referrals Console
Users: Managers and care program coordinators

Use case: Understand the current state of patient care in their organization

User: Care program coordinators

Use case: Understand the behavior of active patients according to their care plan, medical institution, or other data points

User: Care program coordinators

Use case: Understand the behavior of referred patient by referral date, care plan, doctor, or other data points


Unleashing PSP data with the Patient Journey Accelerator

To further guide the use of this Accelerator, Globant has created a framework for implementing and adopting the Patient Journey Accelerator that identifies sensitive points throughout the patient journey. These points include diagnosis and referral, patient enrollment, financial help, and treatment monitoring.

The figure below depicts a process that considers the different components of a PSP operational flow within the context of these sensitive phases. The process includes the security of data, integration of several data sources, and a methodological approach to ensure the PSP is able to generate insights that help improve the patient journey. 

Figure 1: Patient Journey within PSP.
Figure 1: Patient Journey within PSP.

As an analytical tool, the Patient Journey Accelerator is focused on answering high-impact strategic questions and improving the experience of HCPs, program support specialists, financial support teams, and, of course, the patient. Drawing on our extensive experience in both the healthcare sector and data and analytics, this new accelerator is based on five distinct elements:

  1. The identification of the phases in the Journey
  2. The identification of strategic questions in each phase
  3. The discovery of data sources that can help answer the strategic questions
  4. The indicators also help to support the answer to the question 
  5. The predictive elements help the organization make more proactive decisions 


For example, the analytic capabilities provided by the Accelerator can help stakeholders answer strategic questions focused on specific parts of the journey. These include:

  • What are the factors that the HCP takes into account when enrolling a patient?
  • Is the PSP exposed to legal risks derived from mandatory information in enrollment forms?
  • Do we have enough capacity to attend to the patient pipeline in the program?
  • What factors affect the enrollment process not being completed?
  • How does the type of coverage affect future adherence and churn to treatment?
  • What factors influence the early start of treatments?


In addition, the extension of the accelerator enables new analysis components, such as:

  • The retention of patients in different time horizons.
  • The evolution in treatment administration and changes in medications over time.
  • Pharmacy fill monitoring (Medication placement in pharmacies and demand analysis).
  • Monitoring and analysis of medical orders and patient consent.
  • Follow-up of reimbursements and analysis of resources and coverage concentration.

Take your PSP data to the next level with Globant

The ability to draw accurate, relevant, and timely insights from PSPs can drive valuable improvements in patient care and coordination with the broader stakeholder group. Globant’s Salesforce, Analytics, and Healthcare & Life Sciences Studios are proud to launch the Patient Journey Accelerator in Tableau and help PSP organizers and the extended healthcare ecosystem generate compelling and informative patient journey insights to take patient care to the next level.

To learn more about the Patient Journey Accelerator and our Tableau capabilities, please contact us to schedule a consultation today.

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