12 easily accessible retail data attributes that drive fast, powerful, and integrated data visualizations leveraging Salesforce

August 8, 2023

As a senior retail executive, how often are you asked to deliver a performance report for a specific category or store? Assuming your organization has a data platform in place, it’s likely that you can pull together the information needed to answer basic questions. But are you providing the context and analysis leaders need to take action?

 For example, can you quickly prepare a report that includes information and visualizations comparing category and subcategory performance and profitability? Can you quickly determine if a store in question is underperforming compared to other stores in the same region, and if so, what sales trends might influence these numbers?

 To be truly helpful, retail executives don’t just need to provide answers; they need to anticipate the questions that will deliver a deeper level of insight to help fuel effective strategies, decision-making, and action.

 Access the data you need faster with the Retail Sales Accelerator from Globant

Traditionally, gathering and analyzing data across several cross sections, including sales trends, profit analysis, and operations, and quickly and accurately drilling down into different categories, subcategories, stores, or geographies required a high level of data maturity. But now, thanks to the advanced capabilities of the Salesforce platform and Tableau, enabling complete visibility into your data environment may not be as complex, time-consuming, or costly as it once was.

 This new accelerator for the Retail Analytics Hub from Globant relies on just twelve clear data attributes enabling organizations to develop the insights they need to improve operations, enhance decision-making and drive customer experience and performance.

 12 easily accessible retail data attributes you need to succeed

  1. Category  
  2. Subcategory
  3. Region    
  4. Country   
  5. Stores
  6. Total Sales
  7. Quantity   
  8. Discounts  
  9. Profit
  10. Order Date  
  11. Delivery Date   
  12. Shipping Date


Built on the Salesforce platform, Globant’s Retail Sales Accelerator helps retailers supercharge their data journey. Unlike typical data programs that can take months to enable similar functionalities, our accelerator can be deployed in a matter of days, allowing companies to start unlocking the potential of their data and draw value from the investment sooner.


Available on the Tableau Exchange, the dashboard provides marketing leaders, category managers, regional managers, and store managers access to comprehensive sales analytics and performance insights, helping them enable data-driven decision-making and empowering teams to drive sales growth and enhance operational efficiency. With customizable reports and visualizations, our Retail Data Hub provides companies with quick and easy access to the data they need to monitor and improve KPIs, including:

  • Monthly sales growth  
  • Sales per region  
  • Sales volume by location  
  • Profit ratio by subcategory  
  • Product performance  
  • Average shipping days

 Unlock the potential of your data faster with Globant

 Ready to tap the power of your retail data and enable complete visibility for your organization? Schedule a joint consultation with our Salesforce and Retail Industry Reinvention Studio to learn how your company can accelerate its data game.

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