A new paradigm of software development on Unscripted Tech

“If we accelerate how we code, we will change the way of creation.” This sentence underlines one of the most important points in our conversation with Daniel Muhlrad, VP of Technology at Globant, and Gaston Milano, CTO of GeneXus. Indeed, many of the tasks we perform today are code-based. Checking our bank accounts, making online payments, or creating content on social networks are all based on software development

Emerging technologies are creating a new paradigm to speed up the coding process for programmers and open up the conversation to include designers, business experts, and other profiles that play a part in the software development lifecycle. 

In this episode of Unscripted Tech, we discuss how reinvention is critical to keep businesses growing and how it is already taking place through AI, low-code, no-code, and other technologies. 

Software and agility; the perfect match

Software development is the primary tool to drive value to businesses and industries. As Milano mentions, “Every organization today will be or is already a software development company in some aspect.”  Whether companies want to change their business model or reshape their user experience, software will be a key part of this reinvention

If we talk about software, we can’t leave out Agile methodologies. Agile has become king for software development teams with a simple but strong formula: iterate and avoid risk. Assessing processes on the go enables teams to evaluate whether they are on the right track. Also, Agile allows you to fail rapidly and intelligently, finding the mistake and learning from it to move forward. 

Cross-functional teams are also distinctive of Agile development. Creating software goes beyond solving the technical side. It is about interacting and working with other areas and experts on businesses, sales, customer experience, testing, security, and more. 

Digital edge technologies accelerate software development

Today, teams are using technologies that challenge the status quo of creating software. Under the premise to “Move faster. Deliver value.” Globant launched the Fast Code Studio, which comprises a set of flexible and ever-growing platforms to help clients tackle present and future challenges. 

“This new digital studio will smartly apply our platforms of Augoor, for example, to assist coding, MagnifAI for smarter testing, and GeneXus for multiple experience development in an offering that improves the time to value.”

Daniel Muhlrad, VP of Technology at Globant

Get to know more about the tools reinventing how we create software. Listen to the episode Digital Edge, the future of software development today.

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Time-to-value in software development is critical for business success. The Fast Code studio aims to help deliver value at mach speed through combining our unique subject knowledge and our set of platforms to accelerate and future-proof software development.