The UX Studio at Globant hosted its second Dribbble Meetup, starting off 2018 by bringing the design community together. It was a smashing turnout with 80+ Designers, Developers not just from Pune, but also Mumbai and Bangalore.
This time we had an interesting open discussion focused on “Evolution of Interface Design and Staying Relevant as Designers”. The discussion was lead by Shilpa Kadam, UX Studio Partner at Globant India and Sooraj Ramachandran, UX Designer at Globant. The session was hosted by Globant’s UX Studio squad.
Between all the creative talks, activities, challenges, discussions and pizza bites, everyone dribbbled with interesting design-led solutions. Our effort to give back to the design community was the reason to sharing our love for designing and all the learning from real-life projects. The community expressed the need to meet more often, to cover different topics, hackathons and events to stay up-to-date. We will be working on this to find opportunities to meet more often.
We are proud to have hosted the community who walked away with a handful of cool swag! Big thanks to Dribble for giving us this opportunity and platform to bring the design community of Pune, closer!
Take a look at the pictures here!
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The Design Studio focuses on bringing quality, design, strategy, and production to worldwide digital challenges. We base the definition of our design on the evidence of consumer behavior and observation of market trends. We offer solid and relevant UI and UX design services, creating solutions that appeal to both users and businesses.