The Power of Video SEO Optimization on OTT Platforms

September 10, 2024

When users finish a series on their favorite streaming platform, they become insatiable, looking for the same feeling they’ve just had. Luckily, since we live in the digital age, platforms anticipate their desires, offering recommendations that seem almost tailor-made, making it hard not to watch them. That’s why it’s no surprise that 81% of viewers expect streaming services to provide highly personalized experiences, and 79% have kept a subscription after discovering new content.

YouTube reports that personalized recommendations drive 70% of total watch time, and a study by Amazon found that 35% of their sales come from personalized product recommendations. The global OTT (over-the-top) market revenue is projected to reach $332.52 billion by 2025, highlighting the significance of Video SEO Optimization in enhancing user experience and engagement. Let’s dive in together to understand what this means.   

The opportunity for Personalized Video Recommendations in OTT platforms

Video SEO Optimization is the process of optimizing video content to improve its visibility and discoverability on search engines and OTT platforms. It involves implementing various techniques to ensure that videos are easily found and recommended to users based on their interests, viewing history, and behavior. As OTT platforms have massive libraries of content, utilizing Video SEO Optimization techniques becomes crucial to provide users with relevant videos that align with their interests, resulting in a more engaging and satisfying viewing experience.

Furthermore, OTT platforms leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior patterns and preferences. These algorithms continuously learn and adapt based on the data collected, allowing platforms to refine their recommendation systems over time. So, they don’t only receive suggestions that match their interests but also new and relevant videos that might not have discovered otherwise.

Additionally, some OTT platforms offer social features that allow users to connect with friends, share their favorite content, and see what others are watching. By incorporating social elements, these platforms create a sense of community and enable users to discover content based on recommendations from their peers, adding another layer of personalization.

Personalized Video Recommendations in action: Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hotstar, and Jio Cinema

Video SEO Optimization improves search rankings by using keywords, tags, and metadata, so platforms can ensure that their videos rank higher in search results, making it easier for users to discover them. It also enhances recommendation algorithms that help OTT platforms identify patterns and deliver personalized video recommendations that are more likely to resonate with individual users, which results in higher engagement. 

Leading OTT platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hotstar, and Jio Cinema are at the forefront of incorporating Video SEO Optimization into their recommendation strategies. These platforms invest heavily in data analytics and machine learning algorithms to understand user preferences and deliver personalized video recommendations.

  • Netflix: Renowned for its highly personalized recommendation system, the platform analyzes user data using a combination of collaborative filtering and content-based algorithms. By considering factors such as viewing history, genre preferences, and user ratings, Netflix creates a unique profile for each user, which suggests relevant shows and movies. For example, Netflix’s recommendation algorithm played a significant role in the success of the show “Stranger Things.” By analyzing user data and identifying patterns, the platform recommended the show to users with a preference for ’80s nostalgia, sci-fi, and horror genres, leading to its widespread popularity.
  • Amazon Prime Video: With a similar approach, Amazon Prime Video utilizes user data and content metadata to deliver suggestions based on genre affinity and viewing patterns. For example, if a user frequently watches action movies, the platform might suggest popular action-packed series like “Jack Ryan” or “The Boys.”
  • Hotstar: Its personalization techniques include leveraging user data, such as viewing history and interactions, to recommend content tailored to individual preferences. For instance, if a user frequently watches cricket matches, the platform might recommend other cricket-related content like highlights, interviews, or documentaries.
  • Jio Cinema: The leading OTT platform in India helps users navigate through the vast library and discover content they are most likely to enjoy by analyzing user data. For example, if a user frequently watches Bollywood movies, Jio Cinema might recommend popular Hindi films or similar genres like romantic comedies or action-packed dramas.

A personalized video recommendation present

The incorporation of Video SEO Optimization techniques allows OTT platforms to improve search rankings, refine recommendation algorithms, and increase user engagement. By optimizing the visibility and discoverability of videos, platforms can ensure that users continue to find content that aligns with their interests.

Globant’s Media & Entertainment Studio designs, develops and launches premium experiences across all types of consumer devices that drive user engagement and increase monetization. We can improve your OTT operations to the next level by incorporating AI to further personalize and engage your target audience. See how here.

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