Revealing the potential of a world we don’t see: the birth of invisible experiences

June 11, 2024

The increasingly imminent integration of technology into our lives has made us find new ways to interact with it. The future is preparing us for a screen-free environment—as opposed to immersive experiences—that will blur the barriers between the physical and digital worlds. This goes by the name of invisible experiences, and it is transforming the landscape of everything. Let’s take a closer look at this phenomenon.

What exactly is an invisible experience?

Imagine finding Harry Potter’s magic cloak and wearing it: you are aware that you’re wearing a materiality, but it is impossible to perceive with the naked eye. Invisible experiences work similarly, as they are seamless, frictionless interactions with technology that anticipates what users need, emphasizing convenience, personalization and minimizing explicit interaction with them. This means liberating our traditional relationships with technology, moving away from screens, and bringing it to life through other devices. Devices like the Humane AI pin or the Rabbit R1 are proof of this, as they work through voice commands and hand gestures that send text messages, record videos, allow quick access to all your apps, and translate conversations in real time.

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a key role, as it forms the enabling technology that powers the wearable devices on which invisible experiences run, such as Large Language Models (LLMs) and Large Action Models (LAMs). Voice assistants and gesture navigation extend this scenario through natural, human-focused modes of communication. 

Obstacles to invisible experiences

But like any type of technology—and one that is advancing by leaps and bounds—invisible experiences carry ethical, environmental, and privacy risks. The collection and use of user data pose substantial risks if personal information is not protected, from data leakage to misuse. Environmental risks relate to the need for faster and more efficient supporting technologies, such as quantum computing, renewable energy, and even nuclear power. 

These challenges highlight the need for a balanced approach, ensuring that the benefits of deploying invisible experiences do not outweigh crucial elements such as those mentioned above.

Looking into the future of invisible experiences 

Invisible experiences do not necessarily require direct interaction with material technology but are subtly combined with the physical world. Their potential lies in the fact that, sooner than we think, we will see them incorporated into our daily routine with solutions to needs we have yet to even think of. It is about pushing human experiences to the maximum, leaving technology in the background. 

Only visionary players will take advantage of these experiences to transform them into something positive, putting people first and ensuring this synergy happens as smoothly as possible. So, if you want to become one of them, read more about invisible experiences in the full report.

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