In the realms of AR: explore the second episode of “Unscripted Tech”

September 2, 2021

Globant recently launched “Unscripted Tech,”  an original podcast about the trends that are changing how the technology game is played. 

In the first episode, Globant’s Delfina Casal, Pablo Monge, and Gonzalo Zarza highlight how technology is a powerful and necessary ally that strengthens and enhances user experiences.

Our second episode, “Gucci and Louis Vuitton: Fashionable experiences with augmented reality,” launches today, and this time we are exploring the realms of augmented and immersive experiences and how industries can leverage them to take their services to a new level. 

Are we close to seeing Minority Report become a reality?

There is an umbrella of experiences that virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have to offer. In our 2021 Tech Trends Report, Ritesh Menon, VP of Technology – UI Engineering Studio, said that “challenging times, like the ones we are facing today, are the perfect time for businesses to explore how they are connecting with customers and employees.” Immersive experiences have the potential to craft a whole new way of shopping and marketing . 

In this episode, Globant’s Emiliano Horcada, Global Head of Design and Digital Transformation Partner, joins Ritesh to discuss the implications of customers being able to “try on” clothes before buying them, see how a piece of furniture would look in their home, or map any object in front of them to “see” it in reality.

These new immersive and augmented experiences seem to bring us closer to the reality of the famous movie Minority Report. However, before jumping into the hype of seeing holograms everywhere, our speakers highlight the importance of understanding how VR will dialogue with brands and more importantly, how it will add value to users. 

“You have the technology, but ultimately it’s all about the user experience,” says Menon. “If you’re going to use technology just because it exists, it doesn’t make any sense. We’re talking about augmented reality here, but it can be a make or break if it’s not carefully crafted.” 

Having a tool that enables businesses to engage with customers in new and relevant ways means that “companies need to understand how these new technologies fit into their ecosystem and their brands because they’re here to stay,” says Emiliano Horcada.  

How can VR go beyond the entertainment industry? Will technology advance faster than users can catch up at some point? How will organizations manage data and privacy issues related to the use of VR? These are some of the questions that we address in our second episode of Globant’s podcast “Unscripted Tech,” an integrated piece of our journey as industry innovators.

Listen to this exciting new episode of our podcast by clicking here.

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The Design Studio focuses on bringing quality, design, strategy, and production to worldwide digital challenges. We base the definition of our design on the evidence of consumer behavior and observation of market trends. We offer solid and relevant UI and UX design services, creating solutions that appeal to both users and businesses.