Today we see an extensive remote work environment, and, as leaders, we are faced with the challenge of managing individuals in a context that is not only complex but is also one of great uncertainty.
Now more than ever, it is important for employees to feel united, to stay motivated and to maintain fluid communication that allows them to continue being connected to their organization and their work.
This is especially relevant for team meetings, which, since they are entirely virtual, run the risk of focusing exclusively on business goals and losing the human aspect, an element that brings us together with our co-workers and sparks our enthusiasm and creativity.
Times of crisis demand innovative responses. So as not to lose this connection aspect, which is important for business cohesion, Globant has developed a practical guide with icebreaker techniques that can be implemented in remote meetings.
The main goal of this initiative is to provide leaders with innovative ideas so that meeting participants start the meeting off with positive energy and are properly prepared to give their best.
Should We Build a Snowman?
In this playful activity, participants must make a drawing together. It can be anything: an animal, a face, a snowman. But there is one condition – you can only use shapes from Google slides (circles, squares, stars, etc.) No one is allowed to talk to each other, not even to give instructions, and you must all do it at the same time. The idea is that together you can collectively build something new.
The objective of the activity is to have fun, to learn how to interact together without words, and to think about what the other person is doing before taking any action. It’s not necessary to be face to face in order to build something as a team!

Ten Things in Common
In this activity, participants are divided into groups and must find ten things that they have in common. It could be something simple like “we are all wearing shoes,” to something more specific like, “we were all hired in 2014.”
The purpose of this activity is to generate conversation and laughter and to make the groups think creatively. It generates a friendly atmosphere, and gives everyone a chance to get to know their co-workers better!

Show Me Your Shoes
Each participant has to guess what kind of shoe the others have on. Then, each participant has to show their feet to see if anyone guessed correctly.
These activities help to humanize remote work, in order to relax the atmosphere and laugh a little!

Selfie at Your Desk
Each participant must take a photo in their workspace or in a part of their home that they like. Then, they have to share the images at BeThere with the hashtag #Selfieenmiescritorio (#Selfieatmydesk). Finally, everyone together can comment on the photos and get to know each other better.
These kinds of activities humanize remote work and encourage participants to share something positive with the team.

A Round of Stars
For this activity, it is essential to have StarMeUp, the platform for strengthening company culture.
Through StarMeUp, all participants must send a star to someone else in the meeting, explaining the reason for the recognition. Then, take a screen shot of the star and post it on Google Slide.
This is a kind of motivational initiative where the participants feel valued, involved, and part of an extraordinary culture.

These icebreakers, as short as they are, strongly impact a person’s mood and predisposition. Teams work better when there is trust, when there is good communication, and a sense of something shared.
In a remote work environment, we are betting that relationships between participants can continue to grow and feed new experiences.
What other icebreakers would you add to the Guide? Please share!