Matías Romero is a QC Engineer at Globant Mar del Plata, a coastal city in Argentina. When Matias is not in the office he is at the beach giving surf classes to Globers.
There are already 15 Globers that meet everyday at 7 a.m. at Varese Beach to practice their surfing skills which continuously calls the attention of more and more Globers. This beach is located two blocks away from Globant Mar del Plata’s office, which provides surfboards and locker rooms.
“The idea of having surfing classes was brought up by Globers’ motivation. There were always comments about taking up surfing, but people didn’t have the courage to do it, they thought it was difficult, or were embarrassed to go surfing on their own”, Matias explains. That’s why he offered his help.
Matías Romero was born in Buenos Aires and lived his whole life in the west region of the province. Matias says he had his first surfing class when he was 10 years old, during his summer holidays. When he got older he used to travel looking for waves: “I would finish working on Fridays and would drive to Mar del Plata, on Sunday afternoon I would come back to the city”, he explains.
Matías joined Globant after his love for surf: “Back in 2014, Matias worked for another company and was looking to make a change, then a friend told him that Globant was opening an office in Mar del Plata. Hesitantly, Matias contacted Globant’s Recruiting team and today he is working in something he likes to do and is close to the waves. “This is an unbeatable opportunity. That’s why I try to share my love for surfing and tell people to give surfing a try”, says Matías.
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