The fifth edition of the Women that Build Awards marked an exciting milestone across 25 countries around the world. The more than 2,900 nominations and more than 25,000 votes reflect both the community’s and Globant’s commitment to gender equality in technology. These awards were created by Globant in 2020 as a response to the lack of women in leadership positions in STEAM areas, and they have become one of the company’s flagship initiatives.
This year, we had 3 categories: Tech Executive, Tech Entrepreneur and Tech Leader. Each addresses a different type of seniority and, together, they seek to identify and recognize women who are constantly redefining boundaries, inspiring those around them and bringing new solutions to their companies. In short, women who are transforming the technology industry.
Candidates from four regions competed for the global awards. They earned Udemy scholarships in technology, business, leadership and wellness courses, access to personalized coaching from CoachHub, participation and networking at regional celebration events, and recognition trophies. These are our winners:
USA & Canada
- Tech Executive: Jinane Abounadi
- Tech Entrepreneur: Margo Jordan
- Tech Leader: Evgeniya Malina
- Tech Executive: María Comín
- Tech Entrepreneur: Tamsin Lejeune
- Tech Leader: Inés Huertas
Latin America
- Tech Executive: Paula Gallego
- Tech Entrepreneur: Sofía Giraudo
- Tech Leader: Ana Carolina Gomes do Prado
- Tech Executive: Kavitha Krishnan
- Tech Entrepreneur: Namita Sharma
- Tech Leader: Sonal Sahu
The jurors’ deliberation for the global awards wasn’t easy. The panel included executives from renowned technology, education and finance companies who faced the challenge of choosing among candidates with outstanding experience and passion and a massive impact on their respective communities. But after a lot of hard work, they came to a decision.
Prizes for the global winners included recognition at a Globant-sponsored event, round-trip airfare, and visibility on the NYSE billboard in Times Square in 2025. Beyond the celebration, the awards serve as a tangible platform to address the gender gap, as well as a networking opportunity for the winners to escalate their efforts towards equality. It’s with great pride that we present the global winners of the fifth edition of the Women That Build Awards, who were honored at an exclusive Globant event at the Intuit Dome in Los Angeles:
- Tech Executive: Kavitha Krishnan
- Tech Entrepreneur: Margo Jordan
- Tech Leader: Inés Huertas

The winners’ leadership in their fields and with their teams and their innovative use of cutting-edge technology such as AI (from behavioral reporting tools for children to the development of survival analysis algorithms in medicine) show their relentless drive to overcome barriers in the industry. Their success not only opens doors for other women, but also highlights the urgency of structural change in a sector that’s still lacking in equality. Their initiatives inspire all types of people and organizations, fostering a more equal and diverse culture.
The Women That Build Awards were possible thanks to the support of global sponsors such as AON, AWS, CoachHub, KPMG, NYSE and Udemy; regional partners such as Laboratoria and Kantar; 12 international support organizations, and the more than 35 international jurors. You too can join this vibrant community and be part of the action.
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