The Perfect Balance: Health, Technology and Corporate Culture at Globant

July 2, 2024

In the current context, the intersection between health and technology is redefining the way organizations approach employee wellness. Globant has taken a step forward in this direction, promoting exercise as an integral part of its organizational culture. Through the development of the Activate program with StarMeUp, Globant encourages movement and physical activity while strengthening its commitment to holistic wellness under the Be Kind to Yourself pillar.

Physical health is key to wellness, as it improves our performance and productivity by providing more energy and stamina, helps reduce stress and anxiety by promoting a positive state of mind, and prevents chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart issues. It also contributes to a better quality of life by allowing a better balance between work and personal life, as it involves enjoying activities outside of work.

“At a time when mental health is becoming an increasingly bigger concern, it is important to remember and promote exercise, which helps us regain balance and well-being in general.”

– Milagros Olivera, Global DEI & Well-being Manager at Globant.

How did you come up with the idea for the Activate app?

The development of the Activate program came from the results of internal surveys at Globant on the well-being of Globers, which reflected the need to increase physical activity. This initiative aligns with the Be Kind to Yourself pillar, which emphasizes the importance of taking care of oneself both physically and emotionally, with a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses physical, mental and social well-being. 

“The idea was that the tool should incentivize employees to move more, while also allowing them to share and celebrate their accomplishments with the community. The goal is to get people to do more physical activity on a consistent basis.”

– Cristhian J. Framolino, Android Tech Lead at StarMeUp.

Fostering Wellness Beyond Exercise

Activate is not just about exercise, but about creating a complete wellness experience for Globers. The app integrates seamlessly with existing fitness apps such as Google Fit and Health Connect on Android, and with Apple Watch on iOS.  There was a compelling reason behind the development of Activate: not only to leverage the use of technology, but to build something that can strengthen and promote the wellness culture at Globant, where we foster a supportive and motivating environment. 

“The idea is to motivate people to improve their physical well-being, show their achievements, and have goals. These goals are rewarded with badges, which you can share and tell others about at Globant.”

– Ignacio Mazzola, iOS Tech Lead at StarMeUp.

Goals within the app are set based on personal data such as age, gender, height, weight, and activity level. The exercise goal, for example, is 30 minutes per day, and the standing up goal involves moving at least one minute per hour for 12 hours per day. 

Globant also promotes various physical activities that can be performed both in the office and at home, such as:

  • Group exercise sessions: Virtual and in-person yoga, pilates, and functional training classes.
  • Step and activity challenges: Friendly competitions between teams to achieve movement goals in soccer, paddle tennis, ping pong, and running.
  • Active breaks: Short exercises during the workday to reduce sedentary lifestyles.

Activate is more than just a fitness program; it’s a comprehensive tool that aligns with Globant’s vision of promoting holistic wellness. By merging technology and physical activity into the organizational culture, Globant builds an innovative and healthy work environment. The Activate app and the Be Kind to Yourself pillar are fundamental pieces in this strategy, and they reflect our commitment to the integral well-being of Globant employees. 

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We believe that it is possible to be an organization where personal life purpose is aligned with company purpose. We promote a wellness culture to allow Globers to unleash their full potential. Body, mind, and spirit are connected to the present while working to change the future of business and building the best version of yourself. At Globant, we believe that changing the world starts from within.