By Damian Ariel Dupont
Since Globant’s start, the company has thought of energy-saving initiatives as a means of caring for the environment, and become a sustainable company. So in 2013, Globant organized a friendly competition between its offices to see which team could develop the best solution to optimize electricity consumption. Teams from Resistencia and Rosario won the competition.
This competition inspired our entire company, and we started thinking greener. In 2017, with the support of Gabi Ginaca and Facu Diani, we set concrete work objectives to save energy. These objectives were challenging, so it took something very important to make this idea flourish: a team.
The team dedicated to this initiative started with five people, but today there are nine of us. We set about raising awareness about energy usage among Globers all over the world. To accomplish this, we developed a few different strategies:
– Loading data and updating statistics.
– Communicating and educating other Globers.
– Focusing on our objective.
– Constantly evaluating the initiative’s progress.
– Working as a team every day
To add to this initiative, we thought of an historical figure who could embody our message and help in our mission: Nikola Tesla. Tesla reminds us every Friday to “unplug” ourselves and the electronic equipment that we use. We are also changing out normal lights for LED ones, and are adding digital timers and movement sensors to lights at different sites. We’ve also installed staggering on- and off-equipment, such as water dispensers and vending machines.
The challenge ahead is a big one, but we have the confidence and support of our leaders and managers, the help of every facilities team at our offices and the good vibes of all the Globers.
If you have an idea, no matter how weird it sounds, we invite you to share it with us. Send us a mail!
Energy Team: Cecilia Parodi (ARG), Diego Gilardoni (CHI), Ariel Fernandez (ARG), Facundo Draghi (ARG), Damián Dupont (ARG), Joaquín Migliore (ARG), Hugo Bueno (ARG), Jose Fenoglio (ARG), Hugo Lemus (COL).
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There is no Planet B. We all need to commit to this cause, for this generation and the ones to come. We have always believed sustainable practices to be key in our development: we have engaged in practices for lowering energy consumption and reducing disposable waste. While we reduce our carbon footprint through science-based targets, we are going to compensate for all remaining emissions.