A unique celebration for Globant’s Diversity Month

December 14, 2021

At Globant, we understand the importance of inclusivity, as it’s through this awareness that we broaden our minds, deeply enriching our own reinvention journey. As human beings we are constantly evolving sociologically, psychologically, and physically, leading organizations to continue adapting and improving their work environments. 

Globant recognizes this responsibility, striving to offer a safe and motivating space where Globers, clients, and communities alike feel welcomed, valued, and cared for. 

We are proud to say that we are building a diverse, inclusive workplace and culture where we empower Globers to achieve their full potential by being themselves. Based on the principles of our Diversity & Inclusion Fundamentals, we can create change and offer each Glober a place to grow and express themselves, and are committed to honoring our company’s corporate diversity daily, grounding this practice through our Be Kind Pillars.

“The pandemic led every organization to reinvent itself, to rethink their businesses and define a new way to relate to their audiences. Today, Globant is guiding many organizations through this process.”

Patricia Pomies, Chief Delivery Officer at Globant

In 2019, we established October as a time to celebrate Diversity and Inclusion, setting aside time to rediscover a powerful message: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is everyone’s responsibility, and, it’s key to our business. 

Reinventing October

The Diversity Pod has multiplied its efforts each year to promote a Be Kind mindset and this year to celebrate Diversity Month it was no exception, with an agenda that included the following topics: Social and Economic Background, Gender and Sexuality, Accessibility, and Race, Culture and Ethnicity. 

One of our milestones was the launch of the  Diversity and Inclusion learning path, an instructional journey where Globers can access different courses that cover essential topics that impact the environment and culture of a business, such as: Accessibility and Inclusion, Culture and Ethnicity, Diversity and Inclusion DNA, Emotional and Physical Wellbeing and Sexuality and Gender Diversity.

It also included UnlimITed, a recent Globant initiative that aims to reinforce an inclusive work environment. The program focuses on helping people with disabilities reach their full potential, fighting prejudice and labelling, and highlighting competency, skills, experience, knowledge, values and attitudes.  This effort consists of awareness sessions, job opportunities, active listening spaces, and above all it promotes a sense of belonging and community. 

The cultural awareness training was also one of the novel activities this 2021, which  encourages grasping general and cultural information about all the countries where Globant is present, to increase our understanding, respect and appreciation of other cultures.

These actions and the daily fulfillment of the standards for diversity and inclusion are essential pieces to Globant’s evolving culture, which help us widen our humanity, attune our perception, and remind ourselves that in our uniqueness resides our power.

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Diversity, equity and inclusion are key to our business. Technology requires us to innovate constantly, and we can only achieve this if we bring together different points of view. Some of the areas we are working on include focusing on improving gender equality in our industry, inclusive hiring practices, and helping people to achieve a work-life balance.