Pulling the thread of AI in everything in Globant’s Unscripted Tech podcast season finale

January 4, 2024

As technology advances at an astonishing pace, the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on our daily lives becomes increasingly significant. This third season of Globant’s Unscripted Tech podcast is dedicated to exploring AI and its impact on different industries, shedding light on the profound changes it’s bringing to our lives. 

In the season finale, host Rebecca Reed, Digital Marketing Strategist at Globant, engages in an insightful conversation with Agustín Huerta, SVP of Technology at Globant, and Juan José Lopez Murphy, Head of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Globant, into recent AI innovations, the impending transformations, and the considerations surrounding the idea of machines replacing humans.

Agustín Huerta, a seasoned expert in AI, sets the stage by highlighting AI innovations and how AI is evolving beyond our expectations and redefining our way of understanding better what creativity is. 

He underlines that many people oppose AI tools in terms of, “Hey, this is going against creativity,” and so on. But creativity is inspired by the creation of others. He references a recent visit to the Louvre Museum in Paris, where you see paintings that are very similar to other paintings from different painters, as they probably influence each other. He also sees the same thing happening with generative AI models, where, in the end, the styles they can produce may be mimicking some of other people. But it’s the combination of your creativity applied.

JJ Lopez Murphy adds even further insights into how we consider the idea of replacing human creativity. 

“We typically discuss it was about replacing versus augmenting versus complementing the human and what’s the human in that and what’s kind of the rest of that, and it probably has to do with our fear to be replaced. So we need to think that there’s something so distinctively unique about ourselves that a machine will not replace it.” 

The Unscripted Tech podcast’s season finale is a captivating exploration of AI’s impact on our world as we get a view of the vast landscape that AI is permeating. Listen to our last episode of the season here, where AI is in everything.

For more on how AI impacts us in 2024 and beyond, check out our Trends Report.

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