With customers at the helm, the automotive sector reinvents its user experience

November 24, 2022

One phenomenon that permeates all industries is the creation of holistic user experiences. 

The future of industries lies in finding new ways to reconnect with the world. Recently, we spoke with specialists from Globant’s Automotive Studio who gave us their perspective on how mobility is seeking reinvention, making vehicles much more than cars but a digital guide that compliments people’s lifestyles. 

Just as the cell phone went from being a device merely to make calls to becoming our calendar, fitness tracker, social network, and source of entertainment, the automotive industry is following a similar path. Automotive companies are going from product-centered methodologies to adopting a customer-centric approach where the user experience will go far beyond a one-time interaction. 

Today brands are creating their customer journey from the moment people dream about having a new car to building an ongoing relationship after the purchase process. Buying a new vehicle entails many factors, including financial and cultural aspects. As a result, companies need to provide a fully integrated experience. 

What do in-car integrated experiences look like?

Imagine driving to the grocery store; your first problem is finding a parking space. This task is, in many cases, a stressful situation. An integrated experience would enable the car to automatically find a parking lot for you and pay for your groceries. You can even rent your car if you are at the mall for the next couple of hours. You can decide what your vehicle can do and take advantage of your car at any moment and at any time, even when you are not behind the helm. 

What is the digitalization landscape for companies?

Today customers are demanding more, forcing automakers to streamline their manufacturing processes and create a holistic experience for their customers.

There are three essentials aspects that automotive companies need to bear in mind when starting a digitalization journey:

  • Select the right piece of technology. Refrain from using tech for the sake of using tech, but analyze the current state of your business, define goals and find the technology that best fits your interests.
  • Delegate leaders. Build a team of experts who understand how to leverage technology to transform your business.
  • Consider the context. Mobility needs vary depending on each region. While in some countries, engine power is an essential thing in a car for long-distance travel, in others, a key differentiator is the car’s ability to connect to other devices. Automotive companies that are successful in market penetration are customizing automotive experiences for each region. 

 The automotive industry in Web 3

Two decades ago, it was common to hear, “if your business does not have a website that works on mobile devices, it is likely to disappear.” Now the hype has moved from having a responsive website to leveraging Web 3 and the metaverse. 

To say that automotive companies that do not leverage the metaverse will disappear is perhaps hasty; however, the automotive sector can take advantage of it to level up its services. The automotive industry has a direct connection with fan groups. It is one of the top industries where people develop close relationships with their favorite brands. Automotive companies can leverage this level of engagement to offer new and exciting content on a shared 3D digital space, following the steps of celebrities and brands such as Ariana Grande, Louis Vuitton, and Gucci, which are offering digital assets and one-of-a-kind experiences in the metaverse. 

Visit our Automotive Studio to learn more about how we help companies develop the next iteration of their customer experience.

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The Business Hacking Studio aims to drive business growth and innovation to make transformation real and measurable, making the change sustainable through new ways of optimizing culture and business impact. Digitalization and high consumer expectations are radically changing the way we interact with each other, and organizations that know how to manage it will be successful.